Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Sunshine

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was sitting in a small hospital room in Michigan, holding a precious baby girl in my arms. Tears soaked my face as I realized that my dream of becoming a mother was a reality--no longer a "someday". There were so many emotions that both Jeff and I experienced during our week long stay in Michigan (out of state adoptions typically take about a week before permission is granted allowing a child to leave the state). Overwhelming love, excitement, sadness, joy, and nervousness all rolled into one. That is how Sydney came to us just barely over 4 years ago. So this past week, and weekend we celebrated her, and I remembered. Remembered her newborn cries, the first time she smiled, the first time she laughed, her first steps, her first word (balloon), and the first time she said "I love you"--which sounded more like "I wuv oo". It's been an adventure getting to know her and we seem to learn something new about her, and ourselves as parents, each day. I have to admit that I have a twinge of sadness each time she celebrates a birthday, because I'm reminded of how quickly the time goes. However, I look forward to all the new things she'll get to experience this year. Preschool, friends, recess, teachers, and field trips just to name a few. :) I realize this post is a little late, but some of her birthday festivities happened this weekend, so I thought I'd wait to post it all. Here's some of what we did for Sydney's 4th birthday:

We have a birthday tradition at our house where the birthday person gets to choose their favorite dinner to eat and then eats it on the special Happy Birthday plate. :) We kicked off Sydney's birthday a few days early with a pancake "dinner" with her aunt, uncle, and cousins since they were leaving town early in the week. When we asked her what she wanted to eat for dinner--without hesitation, she said pancakes! Jeff and I laughed--mostly because that wasn't surprising. If she could, she would eat pancakes all the time. :)

Good Morning Birthday Girl!!!!!

I think her face says it all... :) She had a hard time waiting to eat it.

After going to Disneyland last Halloween, Sydney has been in love with Jack Skellington. The Haunted Mansion is decorated like The Nightmare Before Christmas, and since that was her favorite ride, it would only be natural that she love Jack right? Jeff and I had never seen The Nightmare Before Christmas, and were surprised that she wasn't scared. Quite the opposite--she has a fondness for "dark" things we have discovered. Not only that, we learned that there is a cult-like following of fans who love the movie. I dare say, she's probably one of the youngest followers that has obsession with the show. ;)

One of her gifts was too big to wrap, so we blindfolded her and brought it out. Her favorite gifts have been a Busytown game and her rain boots.

Sydney loves her dad!!!

We took a quick weekend trip to St. George. Sydney and I were lucky enough to get tickets to The Little Mermaid in the overflow section. I was so glad we were able to see it--she loved it! In fact, when Ariel came out on stage Sydney started waving her hand and shouted out a big hello. It was her first theatrical performance, so she was a little confused why Ariel couldn't see her, and didn't return her greeting. Her favorite part was when Sebastian pinched the Chef's bum during the kitchen scene. She also really liked Flounder, and Flotsam and Jetsam. I thought Ursula's costume was pretty impressive, and loved the kitchen scene. If you make a trip down to St. George in the next few months, make sure to see it if you haven't already!

Sydney got to meet her favorite characters after the show. She told Flounder that he could come to her house and play anytime. :)

Sydney told Flotsam and Jetsam that she really liked the way they danced. She also told them that they did a great job, and that they too, could come to her house anytime. We'll see... :)

Splashing in fresh puddles with her new rain boots. Life doesn't get much better than this!


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