Wednesday, July 27, 2011

19 + 14 = ?

33 Reasons to celebrate Jeff!

1. I love your laugh!
2. I knew we were meant to be together the first time you held my hand--and feel the same way even today.
3. I love to go on dates with you--even though those may be a little harder to come by these days. ;)
4. I love how you want to spend time with our family, and make it a priority in your life.
5. I love what a WONDERFUL Dad you are. Our girls are SO lucky to have you as a Father. :)
6. I'm grateful that you are a hard worker, and find joy in your career.
7. Although at times I may complain, I'm glad that you are concerned about, and help me live by a budget.
8. Although some may find it rebellious, I LOVE you with a beard. :)
9. I feel lucky to have found someone with a solid testimony of the gospel, and a love for the Savior.
10. I also feel extremely fortunate that you are an honorable priesthood holder, and are willing to use it when needed. Our home is blessed with added protection and strength because of it.
11. I have always loved your optimistic outlook on life. The sun always seems to shine a little brighter when you're around. ;)
12. I love your humor and wit--I have since the moment I met you.
13. I can't eat a Laffy Taffy without thinking of you. :)
14. You're self-control is astounding to me. Once you set your mind to something, nothing sways you.
15. You rarely lose your temper or have an "off" day.
16. You know how to have fun!!!!
17. I love your dutch oven potatoes. :)
18. We've been through some pretty tough times together--and through it all you never gave up hope on God, yourself, us, or our future.
19. I love to watch you play golf, and then hug you when you get off the course. You smell like mud, sunshine, and sunblock. :) Plus, the candy bars you bring home for me after beating M Judi make me smile.
20. Although you hate to buy popcorn for me at the movie theater, I'm glad you give in. :)
21. I'm grateful for your competitive spirit. It makes up for what I lack.
22. You are so great with youth! You have taught me so much. Instead of dreading the teenage years with the girls--I am looking forward to them. :)
23. You have a good grasp on wants v. needs.
24. You say I'm sorry when you're wrong.
25. You are kind to everyone, even if you don't agree with them.
26. You always say "I love you" to me and the girls each time we part.
27. You're true blue through and through. Go Cougs!
28. Sydney says she loves when you watch movies with her.
29. She also says she loves to go camping with you and take rides in your truck.
30. Ellie loves it when you sing your made-up songs to her.
31. And, she loves it when you tickle her after she's gotten out of her bath. :)
32. You come from a fabulous family who raised you well and helped you become the person you are today.
33. Out of your 33 years, I have spent almost 11 of them with you, and I am a better person because of it.



McKenzie said...

Happy birthday Jeff!

Allison J Brown said...

Happy Birthday to Jeff! That certainly is a great list :)