Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lost and Found

I seem to have a knack for losing things. This past Saturday we were meeting with my parents for lunch at Red Robin and after taking a few pictures, thought I put my camera back in the diaper bag. Just a side note about my diaper bag--Jeff calls it my "Mary Poppins" bag--he can't stand it and can never find what he's looking for when he opens it up. Let's just say things can get lost in there. :) It wasn't until Monday afternoon that I discovered that my diaper bag did not swallow our camera, but was instead left at Red Robin. Thanks to the kind manager of the restaurant, my camera is now enroute to Moab, free of charge! I guess until I can keep better track of the camera I've got now, I'll have to wait to get my coveted Canon Rebel T2i. Sigh.

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