Monday, March 28, 2011


After watching Sydney run around chasing the dog she comes to sit next to me on the front step.
Me: "Sydney, go run so more and get some of that energy out."
Sydney: "My energy just wants to sit down right now mom."

So one of my motherhood mantra's is: You get what you get and you don't throw a fit. Sydney has been getting dressed in her pajama's before we eat our dinner and so one day last week I decided to argue with my toddler and told her to put her regular clothes back on. After leaving her room in frustration she came out to the kitchen, looked at me right in the eyes and said:

"Mom, when you get a kid who wants to wear her pajama's you DON'T throw a fit".

Argument over.... :)


Alicia Fish said...

I love how they have life figured out. That is just Hilarious!

Cindy said...

What a crack up!! Dang kids use all our own material on us!! Ü

Thompson Family said...

Love it! Made me totally crack up!